Paulus Co

De Paulus Co

Nondum hic auctor singula singula implevit.
Hactenus Paulus Co creavit 31 diariorum entries.

Glossarium 1


Accentus Accensus
– Concentrated light on a subject which highlights it and causes it to stand out from its surrounding. Depending on degree of drama desired, accent light should minimally […]

Glossarium 12020-12-01T04:00:48+00:00

Lighting Lingo 101: Decoding the Essentials of Color Temperature


In the world of LED lighting, where innovation meets functionality, understanding the jargon is more than just a bonus—it’s essential. Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the lighting industry or […]

Lighting Lingo 101: Decoding the Essentials of Color Temperature2024-09-03T13:33:25+00:00
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