Septiņas LED paneļa gaismai raksturīgas struktūras
Mans Pāvils2020-12-07T02:04:01+00:00No kā galvenokārt sastāv paneļa gaismas struktūra? Un kādas ir šo struktūru īpašības? […]
No kā galvenokārt sastāv paneļa gaismas struktūra? Un kādas ir šo struktūru īpašības? […]
As a uniform light, the diffuser has functions of shielding light source, LGP outlets, and defects. Its main materials are PMMA, PS, PC, PP. In the following, we will show […]
LED panel lights, also known as LED flat lights, with beautiful and generous environmental protection and energy saving advantages, but the actual penetration rate is not […]
LED lighting as a new type of green lighting, energy saving, environmental protection, long life, They are very popular all over the world. But the LED […]
Garden lighting’s object is different from the indoor lighting and building environment lighting. Its main purpose is to enhance the scene effect, to create a night landscape. Therefore, light source […]
LED Lighting in Museums. Lighting in a suitable way a museum and works it houses has always been a complex matter.
On the one hand a good lighting allows the […]
A growing number of LED products are entering the market, adding to the many choices consumers already face. By 2025, 60 percent of residential lighting across the U.S. will likely […]
Currently in the general LED lighting market, there is a non-isolated and isolated difference for driver powers. Non-isolated design is limited to double insulation products, such as light bulbs alternative products, including LED and the […]
LED lighting products have broad market prospects, especially in the lighting field. Currently led light are mostly used in the light field, such as LED guardrail light, LED lawn lamp, […]
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